Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 26 (2009)


Rozprawy i artykuły

Renata BUDZIAK: Frazeologizmyw podręcznikach języka niemieckiego dla średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych
Agata HOFMAN: Motywacja a efektywność nauczania L2 w różnych grupach wiekowych. Studium porównawcze nauczania najmłodszych dzieci, dorosłych i osób starszych
Gabriela GORACA: Reklama jako specyficzna forma komunikacji w nauczaniu języków obcych
Artur Dariusz KUBACKI: Skupienie terminologiczne w polskim języku specjalistycznym
Agnieszka KULCZYŃSKA: Czytanie w języku obcym: rola wiedzy kulturowej
Marek LASKOWSKI: Aspekty dydaktyczne i interlingwalne partykuł na lekcjach języka niemieckiego
Elżbieta Danuta LESIAK-BIELAWSKA: Związki między preferencjami w zakresie stylu uczenia się a strategiami czytania i słuchania w angielskim jako języku obcym
Magdalena LIPIŃSKA-DERLIKOWSKA: Metoda nauczania języków obcych wczoraj i dziś
Elżbieta PERET: Na marginesie 21. tomu „Studiów o przekładzie"
Grzegorz SURADY: Germanizmy we współczesnej polszczyźnie i angielszczyźnie
Paweł SZERSZEŃ: Rozwój umiejętności społecznych, umysłowych, etycznych, policyjnych oraz medialnych w procesieglottodydaktycznym, wspieranym poprzez media elektroniczne

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Urszula PAPROCKA-PIOTROWSKA, Jolanta KNIEJA: Motywacje studentów neofilologii: od kandydata do absolwenta

Recenzje i przeglądy

Vida JESENŚEK, Begegnungen zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen. Beiträge zur Phrase­ologie, Wydawnictwo Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, Bielsko-Biala 2008, 165 str. (Czesława Schatte)
Wanda Marzer, Jerzy Lukszyn(red. nauk.), Polsko-rosyjski tezaurus konstant kultu­rowych, Instytut Rusycystyki UW i Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych UW, Warszawa 2007, 218 str. (Ewa Zwierzchoń-Grabowska)
Tony McENERY, Richard XTAO, Yukio TONO, Corpus-Based Language Studies. An advanced resource book, Routledge and London, New York 2006, 386 str. (Marek Łukasik)
Walentyna SOBOL, Ku źródlom. Historia literatury ukraińskiej XIX i poczqtku XX wieku dla klasy drugiej liceum ogólnokształcącego, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, War­szawa 2006, 360 str. (Zenon Huzar, Lesia Razanowa)
Larisa SCHIPPEL(wyd.), Ubersetzungsqualität: Kritik - Kriterien – Bewertungshandeln Frank & Timme GmbH Verlag fiir wissenschaftliche Literatur, Berlin 2006, 186 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Marta TOAENC, Nauczanie międzykulturowe - irnplikacje glottodydakryczne, Oficyna WvdawniczaATUT, Wrocław 2007, 352 str. (Waldemar Czachur, Kinga Zielińska)

Komunikaty i sprawozdania

Dydaktyka translacji -rozważania terminologiczne (Monika Płużyczka)
Słownik terminologiczny a dydaktyka języków specjalistycznych (Piotr Michałow­ski)
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej Stowarzyszenia Germani­stów Polskich „Translatorik in Forschung und Lehre der Germanistik" (Łódź/Bronisławów 9-11 maja 2008 r.) (Ewa Zwierzchoń-Grabowska)
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowęj konferencji GMF-Bundeskongress 2008 w Lipsku „Qualität entwickeln. Neue Wege in Unterricht und Lehrerbildung" (Lipsk 27-29 marca 2008 r,) (Gabriela Gorąca)
II Międzynarodowa Konferencja Młodych Filologów. Literatura rosyjska w kontekście europęjskim. Instytut Rusycystyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Warszawa 3-5 kwietnia 2008 r.) (Joanna Piotrowska)


CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and articles

Renata Budziak: Idiomatic expressions in German language handbooks for intermediate and advanced learners

The subject of the article is related to idiomatic expressions in German language handbooks for levels B2-C2. This language phenomenon has received little attention in methodological or didactic works so far, which is reflected in the lack of criteria for the selection of idiomatic expressions and proverbs which occur or should occur in texts and exercises. Also "Referenzrahmen" only briefly ana­lyses this problem despite the important function that idioms fulfil in language communication. The article discusses theoretical recommendations which should be considered in systematic teaching of idiomatic expressions recognizing the word compound as an idiom, learning it, remembering through exercises and appropriate use. The main part of the article is an analysis of selected handbooks for intermediate and advanced learners with attention to the choice and number of idiomatic expressions there. The summary shows differences and similarities between the theory and the practice applied in the handbooks where exercises include the following steps: memorizing an idiom in its literal meaning, looking for its metaphorical meaning, finding a meaning equivalent in the mother language and alternatively cultural comparisons.

Agata HOFMAN: Motivation vs. effectiveness of teaching L2 among different groups of learners. A comparative study of teaching youngest learners, students of English Philology and students from Gdańsk University of the Third Age

The paper presents a series of didactical observations, based upon chosen neurological and didac­tical aspects of motivation, aiming at defining some general differences in motivating L2 learners of different age and on different levels. It analyzes the effects of introducing some elements of IT and creative tasks into EFL classrooms upon students' motivation. The experiment was performed among different groups L2 of learners (two-year-olds to seventy seven-year-olds). The author presents her own researches performed at Teacher Training College at the University of Gdańsk, two groups of students from Gdańsk University of the Third Age and thirteen young learners (two-year-olds and older) taught individually. All these groups were given the same task: to create an abstract model of an unknown person. The task required, from the participants of the series of observations, imagination, creativity and a certain level of autonomy. All students used multimedia in a limited way, that did not exceed 1/8 or 1/10 part of the observation.

Gabriela GORACA: Advertising as a specific form of communication in teaching foreign languages

The article presents advertisements as examples for the constellation of several kinds of commu­nication: mass, intercultural, intersemiotic, verbal and nonverbal. Students are confronted with all these communication forms, not only when they work with advertising texts, but also in everyday life situations. That is why we should take advertisements into consideration in teaching foreign langu­ages. Thus the paper at the beginning deals with the characteristics of them. The main aim of glottodidactics is to develop the communicative competence in learners. [n this article communicative competence is understood as the combination of intercultural, medial and inter­semiotic competences. Therefore explanation of them all can be found here. Moreover using advertisements in foreign language teaching not only contributes to broaden the learners' vocabulary, but also gives them a global understanding and overview on advertising struc­ture and its strategies by making students familiar with all the verbal, nonverbal, musical and visual components forming the advertisements. Finally students acquire the ability to perceive specific cul­tural elements of the land, where the advertisements are emitted.

Artur Dariusz KUBACKI. Terminological Phrases in the Polish Language for Special Purposes

The aim of the article is to analyze terminological phrases in Polish specialist language. At the beginning the author presents a terminological phrase definition and discusses the distinctive features of the terminological phrase. Then- on the basis of different criteria, for instance stability, idioma­tic nature, indivisibility, quantitative, grammatical category type, semantic, syntactic - he describes different types of terminological phrases which have been distinguished by Polish linguists. He also gives numerous examples of them from the economic corpus he analyzed. Finally, the author com­piles conclusions which arise from terminological phrase research conducted by specialists in Polish studies with regard to automotive nomenclature (A. Starzec) and the language of the law (B. Hałas).

Agnieszka KULCZYŃSKA: Reading in a foreign language: the role of cultural knowledge

The present article focuses on the impact of cultural knowledge on reading in a foreign language. The author first presents some definitions of the notion of culture, provided by anthropology, lingu­istics and glottodidactics. Then, she gives an overview of research on the role of cultural knowledge in the process of reading in a first language and in a foreign language. She concludes that there has been a shift from a largely psychological perspective towards a more sociologically oriented perspective in approaching those issues.

Marek LASKOWSKI: Didactic and interlingual aspects of particles in German lesson

Particology is one area of linguistics which has developed very rapidly in the last 30 ycars. Partic­les which are not cunsciousk - created, but repeated automatically in the process of linguistic commu­nication, are particularly likeh~ to influence thinking and the manner of expression. We can interpret the meaning of particle units in terms of the relation between two different conceptual planes and mo lexical pictures of the v~orid v-hich those expressions present. [t is generally accepted today that a language, especially its lexicon, influences its speakers' Cultural patterns of thought and perception in various ways. for example through a culture-specific segmentation of the extra] inguistic reality, the frequency of occurrence of particular lexical items, or the existence of keYwords or key word combinations revc;aling core cultural values. The objective of the above article is the anah-sis of the intercultural and interlinbual and didactical aspects in the sphere of the particles subsystems in both the mother tongmre and foreign language. This paper discusses didactics and interlinguistics aspects of' the subject. 1%tiill trv to show the aims and issues of the particology in the German classroom.

Elżbieta Danuta LESIAK-BIELAWSKA: The relationship between learning style preferences and reading/listening strategy use in English as a foreign language

The present study explored the relationship between learning style preferences and the use of reading/listening strategies triggered during the performance of language comprehension assignments in English as a foreign language (EFL). The research conducted drew on the hypothesis that depen­ding on the type of language task, a battery of language learning strategies that reflect the subject's learning style preferences and the task requirements, are activated. Accordingly, it was an attempt at viewing the process of the task performance, understood as the relationship explored, in relation to the product itself, i.e. the learners' differential success in performing the assignments. The study has resorted to a well-established research method and employed highly-structured written surveys to determine learning style preferences and reading/listening strategy use reported within the group. It was conducted with 49 intermediate adult EFL learners, studying English as a FL at the University oti Technology in Warsaw. The results obtained seem to point to the relevance of the key research categories for foreign language learning and teaching. They also appear to provide same support for the current psychologi­cally motivated approaches to teaching EFL reading/listening comprehension. However, the findings presented here are to be viewed as suggestive rather than definite since the study conducted is the first of its kind. As such, it needs to be followed by additional research that would provide more evidence concerning the relationship explored, and its educationally related applications.

Magdalena LIPIŃSKA-DERLIKOWSKA: The method of foreign language teaching - the past and the present

One of the key concepts that has evolved together with the development of the field of foreign lan­guage learning and teaching is the concept of the method of teaching. Its development has apparently come full circle from its birth in the 19" century, through a heyday in mid-20" century to its apparent death heralded by some authors (Allwright 1999, Richards and Rodgers 2001, Brown 2092, Kuma­ravadivelu 1994, 2003, 2006) at the turn of the 20`h century. However, contrary to what is claimed, the field of foreign language didactics offers a number of different methods (traditional, alternative, experimental). Their abundance in the so-called `post-method period' inevitably leads to the question about the current status of the method and its validity in the field of second/ foreign language learning and teaching. [n the evolution of the discipline two major concepts of the method can be distinguished: traditio­nal - being the product of interdisciplinary (methodological) conception of the field and contemporary - being worked out on the ground of two schools of thought, one being the second language acquisi­tion research (SLAR) and, the other, an autonomous academic field of glottodidactics. Both differ in terms of origin, scope, function and context. In the first, with the teacher and teaching perspective in focus, the method is regarded as the key critical factor in second/ foreign language acquisition. [n the second the conception is not uniform. The proponents of SLAR whose research agenda concerns lan­guage acquisition disregard the idea of the teaching method, providing some general frameworks and guidelines for the process of teaching, whereas in glottodidactics with its comprehensive view of the didactic process in which teaching is perceived as the function of learning, the method has its role to play as one of didactic categories. In this perspective the method of teaching is treated as a system that allows to create proper conditions for learning in terms of the learner's age, needs and objectives.

Elżbieta PERET: In the margin of vol. 21/2006 „Studia o przekładzie"

The article is discussing nine articles from the issue of „Studia o przekładzie" journal dedicated to the theme: „Przekład. Dialog czy nieporozumienie. Z zagadnień krytyki przekładu" (vol. 21/2006). Opinions of nine authors are confronted with concepts of well known in Poland and abroad linguist Franciszek Grucza. Grucza in his works stresses that knowledge is not to be found in words, sentences or books but only in the minds of existing human beings. According to Grucza it is deeply incorrect to equate knowledge with science and to use the term "language" as a notion denoting the medium of communication. While writing of the possibility that rivo interlocutors will be able to intelligibly communicate, Grucza expresses his opinion that there are no two people who cannot communicate at all, and simultaneously there are no two people who can understand each other entirely.

Grzegorz SURADY: Germanisms in the modern Polish language and in "The New Penguin English Dictionary„

Many Polish words are descended from the German language, but the influence of this language on the modern Polish becomes smaller and smaller. In spite of this, the most recent dictionaries of Polish language note a lot of new words with German origin. There are predominantly colloquial expressions like frajda and szmal. The modern German is full of English words and expressions. We can't forget the fact that Ger­man still affects English and other languages. Borrowings from German that have passed into English include many words tiom different areas 1) spoken English (kaput, schnitzeO, 2) culture and history (,,!estalt, Prussian blue), 3) technology (breinsstrnhhrng, spiegeleisen), 4) occasional use (brahvurst, schloss). There are Greek and Latin words too which have enriched English through German (eco­lo~rr, plcrnkton). The author quotes planty of examples for his thesis from dictionaries, scientific studies and lite­rature. E[e comes to the (ollowing conclusion: there is no similarity between the German borrowings in Polish and English. Moreover, German borrowings complete mental gaps in many languages and testify to the signifiance of German for their modern vocabulary.

Paweł SZERSZEŃ: The development of social, mental, ethical, volitional, interpersonal and communicative skills in the glottodidactic process, supported by electronic media

The aim of this article is to attempt to analyse the so-called internal context of the pupil in a par­ticular glottodidactic model involving, besides the teacher and the pupil, also electronic media. The 'internal context' is understood by the author as a set of social, intellectual, ethical, volitional, inter­personal and communicative skills, including also linguistic skills, which, however, are not discussed in detail in the article. The first part of the article presents the main trends in the research into the general development of man. In the second part, the author discusses selected concepts of the gene­ral development of 10 to 16-year-old pupils. The third part characterises the advancement of social, intellectual (including linguistic), ethical, volitional, interpersonal and communicative skills of such pupils.

Language teaching at Upper School

Urszula PAPROCKA-PIOTROWSKA, Jolanta KNIEJA: Motivation of Students in Neophilological Departments: from Candidates to Graduates

This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in the academic year 2006/7 among the students of philological (language) departments at the John Paul II Catholic University and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (BA and MA courses, all years, in the following departments: English, German, Romance, Slavic, Russian, Polish, Classic and Applied Linguistics). The survey focuses on students' motivation for studying in language departments. The main advantage that the survey offers is that it covers both the initial student's motivation for choosing language studies, and the changes in motivation that take place throughout the studies: if and how this motivation changes in time. The authors strongly believe that the collected data on motivation and motivation changes can be instrumental for teachers who wish to adapt their teaching resources and methods to the changing needs of the subsequent generations of students.

Reviews and Notices

Vida JESENŚEK, Begegnungen zwischen Sprachen und Kulturen. Beiträge zur Phrase­ologie, Wydawnictwo Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, Bielsko-Biala 2008, 165 str. (Czesława Schatte)
Wanda Marzer, Jerzy Lukszyn (red. nauk.), Polsko-rosyjski tezaurus konstant kultu­rowych, Instytut Rusycystyki UW i Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych UW, Warszawa 2007, 218 str. (Ewa Zwierzchoń-Grabowska)
Tony McENERY, Richard XtAO, Yukio TONO, Corpus-Based Language Studies. An advanced resource book, Routledge and London, New York 2006, 386 str. (Marek Łukasik)
Walentyna SOBOL, Ku źródlom. Historia literatury ukraińskiej XIX i poczqtku XX wieku dla klasy drugiej liceum ogólnokształcącego, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, War­szawa 2006, 360 str. (Zenon Huzar, Lesia Razanowa)
Larisa SCHIPPEL (wyd.), Ubersetzungsqualität: Kritik - Kriterien – Bewertungshandeln Frank & Timme GmbH Verlag fiir wissenschaftliche Literatur, Berlin 2006, 186 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Marta ToaeNC, Nauczanie międzykulturowe - irnplikacje glottodydakryczne, Oficyna WvdawniczaATUT, Wrocław 2007, 352 str. (Waldemar Czachur, Kinga Zielińska)