Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 16 (1998)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Jan LEWANDOWSKI: Nowe multimedia = nowe typologie glottodydaktyczne
Sambor GRUCZA: Tekst (glotto)dydaktyczny, tekst naturalny, tekst autentyczny, tekst oryginalny - próba sprecyzowania pojęć

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

M. ŻELAZOWSKA: Nauczanie języków obcych na lektoratach w polskich szkołach wyższych w 1996 r
Małgorzata GNYŚ: Języki obce: łaciński, wioski, hiszpański w systemie lektoratowym polskich szkół wyższych — porównanie wyników ankiety z 1989 i 1996 r.
Klaudyna HILDEBRANDT: Zagadnienia doboru materiałów dydaktycznych i ćwiczeń do zajęć z terminologii kultury oraz historii sztuki

Recenzje i przeglądy

AnnaPADO: Citaj,pisi, govori! cz. I, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa, 1997 (Wanda M. Żelazowska)
Heinz-HelmutLUGER: Routinen und Rituale in der Alltagskommunikation, Langen-scheidt Tübingen  1993(Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)

Komunikaty i sprawozdania

Sprawozdanie z XXVIII Konferencji Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Lingwistyki Stosowanej (Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Linguistik), Bielefeld, 25-27.09.1997 (Sambor Grucza)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs:Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego, badan nad językiem polonijnym i studiów kontrastywnych za lata 1994, 1995

Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska:Bibliografia prac opublikowanych w ,,Przeglądzie Glottodydaktycznym" w tomach 13-16 w latach 1994-1997


CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Jan LEWANDOWSKI: New Multimedia - New Glottodidactic Typologies

The author analyses the origins and history of the term "multimedia," as well as its etymology. He also summarises the usage of this term and its etymological components in linguistics, comput­ing, law, parapsychology and glottodidacties. The starting point of the discussion is the legal thesis that all multimedial materials are coursebooks. This thesis is argued against on the basis of the "Internet Poetry Archive" /, which the author shows not to be a material for learning Polish as a foreign language. This point is supported by the typology of FLL coursebooks presented, by the author in the 1980s.

In the second part of the article presented is a new typology of coursebooks based on the new multimedial systems. The author concludes that while introducing the notion of multimedial teaching materials, authors of new bibliographies of coursebooks must introduce the division into bimedial or monomedial coursebooks.

Sambor GRUCZA: (Glotto)didactic Text, Natural Text, Authentic Text, Original Text - Attempt at Definition of Terms

The division of texts into didactic and non-didactic can be conducted according to the criteria of glottodidactic relevance of a given text. The glottodidactic relevance can be defined as the applic­ability of a given text for reaching an expected glottodidactic aim.

Authenticity of a didactic text must be analysed within the framework of its communicative ade­quacy. An authentic didactic text is one that is congruous with the communicative situation in which or for which it was formulated. An original didactic text in turn is one which has not been changed in any way with respect to its original form and contents. Every didactic text must be an authentic text, but it does not necessarily have to be an original text. The characteristic features of didactic texts may be divided into linguistic features and glotto­didactic features.

Glottodidactics at University

Małgorzata GNYŚ, Klaudyna HILDEBRANDT, Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA, Wanda M. ZELAZOWSKA: Foreign Language Teaching in the System of Obligatory Foreign Language Courses in Polish Higher Education Institutions

The article presents the results of research concerning foreign language teaching in the system of obligatory language courses in Polish higher education institutions in non-linguistic faculties. The research was conducted in the year 1996 on the basis of questionnaires sent to particular educational centres.

The results concerning organization of teaching process and teaching materials currently in use are presented for the four most popular languages: English, German, French and Russian. For the first time among the institutions, in which the research was conducted, are not only ones under juris­diction of the Ministry of National Education, but also those of other types: Academies of Music, Medical Academies, National Higher Schools of Fine Arts.

This article is an attempt at summarising the situation of foreign language teaching process at the obligatory FL courses resulting from the changes in education system which are a consequence of changes in the system, which took place in Poland at the end of the 1980s and in early 1990s.

Małgorzata GNYS: Foreign Languages: Latin, Italian and Spanish in the System of Obligatory Foreign Language Courses in Polish Higher Education Institutions – Discussion Based on the Results of the 1989 and 1996 Questionnaires

The article is a part of the debate concerning the ongoing reform of foreign language teaching. This discussion is an attempt at an overall analysis of the situation of three foreign languages: Italian, Spanish and Latin in the system of obligatory language courses in Polish higher education in the period 1989-1996. This is a comparative analysis, in which particular issues are presented in the perspective of six years separating the publication in "Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny", vol. 12, 1993 of the first discussion concerning FLT in the system of obligatory language courses from the discussion of the present state in the current issue of "Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny."

Research of FLT in the system of obligatory language courses is organized by the Inter-University FLT Centre on the basis of questionnaires sent to particular educational centres. This article is the first published discussion concerning teaching of these three languages.

Klaudyna HILDEBRANDT: Issues Concerning Choice of Teaching Materials and Activities for the Course Dealing in Specialised Vocabulary of History of Culture and Fine Arts

The article discusses the criteria of choice of teaching materials and activities used by the author during a course dealing in specialised vocabulary concerning history of culture and fine arts. The aim of such course is to prepare students for professional translation of texts dealing with topics of art and culture. The secondary aim is to develop the students' knowledge of art and culture of the countries whose languages they are studying.

The materials are chosen on the basis of types of texts the students may encounter in their future career. The following types of texts are discussed: non-specialist description of a work of art; an original text (a source); a theoretical text; press materials. The presentation of teaching materials is illustrated with passages from relevant materials. Translation activities conducted on the basis of those materials are discussed in detail, as well as the materials unsuitable for teaching, together with the reasons for their failure.

Reviews and Notices

Anna PADO: Citaj, pisi, govori! part 1, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warsaw 1997 (Wanda M. Zelazowska)
Heinz-Helmut LUGER: Routinen undRituale in der Alltagskommunikation, Langenscheidt, Tubingen 1993 (Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)

News and Reports

28th Conference of the German Society of Applied Linguistics, Bielefeld, 25-27.09.1997 (Sambor Grucza)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs:Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language, Research on the Polish Language Used by the Polish Community Abroad and Contrastive Studies for the Year 1994 and 1995
Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska:Bibliography of Publications in ,,Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny" for the Years 1994-1997