Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 5 (1980)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Peter HARTMANN: Uwarunkowania komunikacji językowej w nauczaniu języków obcych
Hermann KOCH: Stosunek lingwistyki tekstu do glottodydaktyki

Hanna KOMOROWSKA: Uwagi do analizy komparatystycznej kurs6w monostrukturalnych w dydaktyce języka angielskiego na przykładzie podręczników Strotegies i Mainline
Waldemar WOŹNIAKOWSKI: Kompetencja komunikacyjna a glottodydaktyka
Monika WOYTOWICZ-NEYMANN: Angielski język ekonomii i metody jego nauczania. Zagadnienia wybrane

Glottodyalaktyka w szkole wyższej

Marceli SZAFRAŃSKI: Nauczanie język6w obcych w szkole wyższej – cele, zadania i właściwości
Stanisław JĘDRZEJOWSKI: Problem efektywizacji nauki język6w obcych w szkole wyższej
Halina STASIAK: Specyfika pracy nad językiem obcym ludzi dorosłych
Helena ŻMIJEWSKA: Ze studiów nad programami języków obcych. Języki zachodnioeuropejskie w krajach socjalistycznych

Recenzje i przeglądy

Leon Leszek Szkutnik, An Introductory Course in Scientific English, (J. Bogucki)
Stanisiaw Prędota, Die polnisch-deutsche Interferenz im Bereich der Aussprache, (Gerd Hentschel)
AageSalling, Laer at tale dansk, (M. Nidecki)
U. Engel, S. Grosse(eds), Grammatik und Deutschunterricht, Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache (B. Grucza)
G. D. Pickett, The Foreign Language Learning Process, (H. Komorowska)


Jan Lewandowski:Bibliografia glottodydaktyki polskiej za rok 1979 (Wybór)

Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Peter HARTMANN: Communicative Conditionings of Foreign Language Teaching

It is assumed in the article that glottodidactics, both theoretical and practical, should be based upon a heuristic that would allow for the peculiar and distinct nature of problems related to language teaching and learning. It is the author's opinion (although the viewpoint in this article is still essentially linguistic) that these problems should be dealt with in the wide context of human communication. Following a discussion of a number of observations with regard to language com­munication, the resultant conditionings are presented of language teaching and learning together with their consequences for FLT. The article is intended to contribute to laying scientific foundations for FLT; it is the author's view that its distinctiveness can be pinpointed only if practicians and theoreticians co-operate.

Hermann KOCH: On the Relationship between Text Linguistics and Glottodidactics

The author of the article deals with the question to what extent, if at all, the results of research in text linguistics can be applied in FLT at an advanced level, especially in the case of teachers and translator's training. He begins by analyzing the present situation, the results of recent research, and the extent to which it has been put to practice; he continues by examining two aspects of the application of text linguistics: 1) as a linguistic basis for describing a given linguistic structure,2) as a linguistic component of FLT methodology, especially in programming classroom activities.

In view of the above aims, the author assumes that the textual level of analysis is more important than the sentential level claiming that someone who is able to form correct sentences cannot necessarily be said to know the language. Proficiency in a language requires the speaker to possess the knowledge and skills specific to the textual level.

Hermann Koch divides text linguistics into micro- and macrotextual, describing both disciplines, their goals, methods of research, and their significance for glottodidactics. He illustrates the general aims of FLT at the advanced level with his own examples indicating how one ought to construct optimally functional texts` to be used as glottodidactic materials, by incorporating the results of the text­linguistic research. According to the author the inventory of textual exercises presented at the advanced level' is too traditional and one-sided. He analyzes two textbooks which, in his opinion, fulfill the requirements stated above, because they contain exercises of productive nature, as well as whole sets of thematic entries. He concluedes his article by postulating a wider and more varied use of transformational exercises and an application of techniques and methods of scientific research in the foreign language.

Hanna KOMOROWSKA: A Comparative Analysis of Monostructural Courseson the Example of Strategies and Mainline

The article contains a comparative analysis of British monostructural courses of English as a foreign language. The following issues are discussed at length, the theory of language acquisition as demonstrated in the course structure, methodolog­ical principles underlying the textbook, decisions pertaining to selecting and grad­ing, types of exercises, audio-visual aids, motivational and self-instructional functions of the course as well as its typography. Implications are then sought for bistructural courses of English as a foreign language provided within the frames of the secondary school system.

Waldemar WOŹNIAKOWSKI: Communicative competence and Glottodidactics

The article deals with the notion of communicative competence which is analyzed in terms of the knowledge enabling speakers-listeners to communicate effectively under real (non-idealized) conditions. This knowledge is classified under four headings, each of which is subsequently discussed at some length. In conclusion, the author arrives at a number of glottodidactically relevant implications and suggestions.

Monika WOYTOWICZ-NEYMANN: English Language of Economics and Methods of its Teaching

The article presents a set of findings on the English language of economics, result­ ing from the research programme carried out by the author in the Central School of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw. The main lines of research were a) The position of the language of economics within the framework of standard English, b) The analysis of its vocabulary with special emphasis on its terminological core (semantic and grammatical aspects). Theoretical findings are supported by statisti­cal data resulting from a computer performed analysis of a sample of different economic texts (78 000 words long). Further considerations cover other grammatical preferences characteristic of the language of economies, as well as different styles typical for economic texts. Linguistic results are followed by respective suggestions concerning methods of LSP teaching.

Glottodidactics at University

Marceli SZAFRAŃSKI: Teaching Foreign Languages in a High school. Aims, Tasks and Properties

The subjekt matter of the present considerations is teaching foreign languages - previously acquired in the secondary school - to students of non-philological faculties. The author emphasizes that the aim defined by the externally imposed syllabus is teaching foreign languages to students of non-philological faculties as a means of communication and an auxiliary to academic studies. The aim, however, should be defined more precisely on account of the limited time at both the student and the teacher's disposal, restricting the range of the skills and abilities to be acquired. The aim and the tasks should be specified within the limits set by conditions of work, and not by the desired optimum. The author disputes the rationale of organizing elementary language courses with the actually obligatory teaching load.

Foreign language teaching in a high school is naturally conditioned by the future profession of the students and it is already in the very process of teaching that the language should be used as a medium of obtaining information. This would undoubtedly increase motivation of foreign language learning. In the author's opinion language cannot be taught; it must be learned. Thus, the teacher's task is to instruct, exercise and correct. Worth considering are here the problems of forming in the student the so called "language intuition" with regard to both the native and the foreign language, as well as reinforcing in him the habit of self-work.

Stanisław JĘDRZEJOWSKI: Making Foreign-Language Instruction in Colleges More Efficient

The present article does not touch upon a completely new subject, but it is its author's intention to raise again a question for discussion on improvement of the process of foreign-language teaching in colleges. The author concentrates on four factors which, just as in the process of goods production, determine effects of a lector's work in a considerable way. The first factor conditioning the effects of foreign-language teaching refers to the persons conducting foreign language courses (lectors), who, at present, are not fully prepared so that they could realize the teaching objectives respecting the necessity of preparing students to receive and produce texts characteristic for a given specialization. The second one is defined as "technology of teaching". Among others, the author advocates to arrange fully-furnished audiovisual rooms in college. Students, being the third factor, are not prepared enough in secondary schools to be able to continue successfully the foreign-language instruction at the advanced level. The fourth factor refers to such phenomena like: organization, economization, motivation in the process of language teaching. These factors are also widely discussed in many articles devoted to this problem.

Halina STASIAK: Specific problems in Foreign Language Learning by Adults

In the article "Specific Problems in Foreign Language Learning by Adults" the factors which condition success or failure in leatning a foreign language have been discussed. A difference has been made between an objective and subjective success, the first being defined by the learners environment the latter, by his personal needs. It has also been stressed that individual features such as motivation, age of learner and his gloitodidactic experience strongly influence the result of the learning process. Specific problems the adult learners deal with have been painted out and it has been shown that they are the factors which decide whether the didactic process of adult learners results in success or failure.

Halina ŻMIJEWSKA: From Studies on Foreign Language Teaching Syllabuses - West European Languages in Socialist Countries

Taking into consideration studies and researches on foreign language teaching programs carried out in our country, it seems advisable to analyze and present some ideas and solutions of the FL teaching programs in the socialist countries. The analysis covers these socialist countries in which the educational system approximates the Polish system of education, and concerns the programs of teaching the West-European languages within the school system.

The article presents the analysis of FL teaching programs in Bulgaria, Cze­choslovakia, Romania r and Hungary. The author is particularly interested in comparing the number of hours, goals and content of teaching the West-European languages in the chosen countries. The final conclusion states that a detailed analysis of the structure of FL teaching programs in brotherly socialist countries will help to solve numerous problems essential for our research-workers.

Reviews and notices

Leon Leszek Szkutnik, An Introductory Course in Scientific English, (J. Bogucki)
Stanisiaw Prędota, Die polnisch-deutsche Interferenz im Bereich der Aussprache, (Gerd Hentschel)
Aage Salling, Laer at tale dansk, (M. Nidecki)
U. Engel, S. Grosse (eds), Grammatik und Deutschunterricht, Jahrbuch des Instituts für deutsche Sprache (B. Grucza)
G. D. Pickett, The Foreign Language Learning Process, (H. Komorowska)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliography of Polish Glottodidactics - 1979 (A Selection)