Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 4 (1979)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Karl-Dieter BUNTING: Rozważania na temat gramatyki dydaktycznej
Barbara GRUCZA: Magnetowid a inne środki techniczne w nauczaniu języków obcych
Maria DAKOWSKA: Znaczenie podejścia eklektycznego dla teorii glottodydaktycznej
Stanisław WOJNICKI: Cele specjalne w glottodydaktyce i ich wpływ na kryteria doboru materiału językowego

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Genowefa KOĆ: Metodologiczne aspekty badań nad doborem treści nauczania języków obcych w systemie lektoratowym
Halina STASIAK: Analiza przebiegu badań nad zintensyfikowanym nauczaniem języków obcych na lektoratach w szkołach wyższych
Jerzy BOGUCKI: Ocena sytuacji w zakresie skryptów/podręczników do nauki języka angielskiego na lektoracie wyższej uczelni, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kierunków technicznych i ścisłych

Recenzje i przeglądy

Waldemar Pfeiffer, Teoretyczne podstawy preparacji materiałów glottodydaktycznych (Jarsław Anczewski)
N. Naiman, M. Frhőlich, H. H. Stern, A Todesco, The Good Language Learner (Hanna Komorowska)
George A. Miller. Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Language and Perception (Urszula Zaliwska-Okrutna)
John Munby, Communicative Syllabus Design (Hanna Komorowska)
J. A. van Ek, The Threshold Level for Modern Language Learning in Schools (Hanna Komorowska)
,,BABEL", International Journal of Translation (Barbara Zofia Kielar) Mannheimer Gutachten zu ausgewählten Lerhrwerken Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Rozemaria K. Tertel)
Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, Linguistische Pragmatik (Ewa Tomczyk-Popiriska)                                           


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliografia glottodydaktyki polskiej za lata 1977-1978 (wybór)

Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Karl-Dieter BŰNTING: Some Thoughts on the Subject of a Didactic Grammar

The author of the article discusses the question of a didactic grammar, which is to be taken as a concrete text. The language rules included therein, as well as the conceptual apparatus, should refer not to psychological processes occurring in speak­ing, listening, etc., but rather to linguistic structures. Such a grammar must account not only for the following factors such as the phenomena described in linguistic grammars, scope of teaching objectives, form of grammar (a lexicon, manual, etc.) and theoretical assumptions resulting from psychology or a learning theory, but also those concerning teaching conditions determined by the institutions (syllabuses, objectives, etc.).

Further on, the author concentrates on the question of the shape of the didactic grammar designed for a native learner (in our case, a German), and to be used in school. His conclusion is as follows - a didactic grammar should be subject to a didactic concept. Its author can be eclectic in choosing different descriptive prin­ciples from different linguistic grammars, provided the learner will benefit, i.e. this procedure will facilitate the learner to achieve the objectives set for him by the author of the grammar.

Such a grammar must be consistent and unambiguous as for the concepts it uses, but it can vary as for the presentation of its material. The author of the article, together with W. Eichler, has produced the grammatical model of the „eclectic" type. He favours a systemic grammar as opposed to a situational one, stressing its normative character.

Barbara GRUCZA: A Video-Tape Recorder and other Audio-Visual Aids in Foreign Language Teaching

The author of the article tries to establish the place of a video-tape recorder among other audio-visual aids, and then she considers the possibility of its application in glottodidactics. Here she draws our attention to the fact that, while presenting actions and situations in a dynamic fashion, it makes it possible for the vocabulary to be semantised, and for the teaching material to be presented and internalised in a con­crete and authentic communicative context. By so doing, the video-tape recorder facilitates the cognition of reality in a manner close to a direct one. This fact plays a significant role in acquiring communicative competence by students, as well as in imparting of the realia, cultural or otherwise. The video-tape recorder also exerts an educational and motivational influence on students. Among its numerous assets, the author distinguishes: ease of handling, possibility of application in ordinary classroom (without interior remodelling), low cost of video material production. At the present stage of research little can be said on the subject of glottodidactic video films, as they have not advanced beyond initial experimenting. The present consi­derations of the video film, its role in teaching and language acquisition are based on the research on a glottadidactic film. When considering the differences between a didactic and glottodidactic film, she differenciates the traits characteristic of the latter. Then the writer classifies glottodidactic video-films according to the criteria analogous to didactic films classification, i.e. form, glottodidactic objectives, students, each of which she later describes in detail. In conclusion she enlists variables influencing the effectiveness of teaching when video-tape is applied.

Maria DAKOWSKA: The Significance of the Eclectic Approach for the Glottodidactic Theory

The article discusses the question of the relationship between two current pheno­mena - the eclectic approach, which continues the tradition of methods of language teaching, and the theoretical outline, which aims at formulating the scien­tific assumptions of language didactics. The eclectic current, which integrates various elements of the existing methods, can be seen as rejecting their inherent flaws, such as their fragmentary conception of the teaching/learning process, their one-sidednesss in teaching procedures, and their reactionary attitude towards other methods. Non­ethelles, it should not be identified with the best theory of language teaching/learning, because it is based on the indiscriminate attitude towards the source disciplines and thu-~ it is incapable of fulfilling the projecting function for the empirical research. There is, therefore, a qualitative difference between the eclectic approach and the glottodidactic theory as developed by F. Grucza which, above all, outline, defines, and describes its own object and then draws practical conclusions. This procedure secures its more critical attitude towards the source disciplines and the formulation of relevant hypotheses.

Stanisław WOJNICKI: Restricted Purposes in Foreign Language Teaching and their Influence upon the Selection of Linguistic Data

The article deals with some aspects of designing FLT courses for two types of restricted purposes: reading comprehension of specialized literature, and - oral communication at the working place. It is argued that the delimination of a definite fragment of language is a ne­cessary condition to set up a course. The delimitation of the appropriate fragment of language is proposed as a choice of a definite sublanguage as understood by Hoff­man. Recent research carried out in English, Czech, French, German and Russian is presented; it covers lexical, grammatical and syntactic features in various sub­languages, showing common characteristics within the latter; the point is that re­spective sublanguages can be considered autonomous as far as the corresponding field is concerned. This entails the possibility of teaching only one sublanguage in a restricted-purpose FL course. Two basic criteria for selecting linguistic data are discussed - frequency counts (including lexical, grammatical and syntactic data) and the functional-communicative approach. Applications of both criteria in recently published restricted-purpose FL courses are presented. The analysis of hitherto presented proposals seems to indicate that overall frequency counts are more effective -when aiming at reading comprehension alone, while the functional­-communicative approach is advisable for oral communication courses.

Glottodidactics at University

Genowefa KOC: Methodological Aspects of Research on the Content Selection of a FLT Syllabus at College Level

The article consists of three parts. In Part I the author raises a demand for research on the content selection of a FLT syllabus at college level. There she also discusses some general methodological principles of the research, as well as factors determin­ing the content selection. The presented methodological principles, concern mainly the research on vocabulary selection. According to the author, the solution of this problem can be the basis of programming a FLT syllabus content at college level. The research in this area should account for two aspects: the compatibility of theThe article consists of three parts. In Part I the author raises a demand for research on the content selection of a FLT syllabus at college level. There she also discusses some general methodological principles of the research, as well as factors determin­ing the content selection. The presented methodological principles, concern mainly the research on vocabulary selection. According to the author, the solution of this problem can be the basis of programming a FLT syllabus content at college level. The research in this area should account for two aspects: the compatibility of the

Halina STASIAK: An Analysis of the Course of the Experiment on the Influence of FLT Intensification on its Effectiveness

The paper presents an analysis of the course of the experiment on the Influence of FLT Intensification on its Effectiveness. The experiment was conducted at the University of Gdańsk during 1976-1978 as part of the larger departmental project: Improvement of Effectiveness of Foreign Language Teaching at University Level. The experiment was administered to 162 students of history and pedagogy and concerned the teaching of Russian, English and German. Students of the above mentioned faculties are usually offered 120 hour courses over 4 semesters, i.e. 2 hours per week. The changes in the experimental system considered two variants: a) execution of 120 hours within 2 semesters, i.e. 4 hours per week, b) execution of 120 hours within 1 semester, i.e. 8 hours per week. Statistically significant higher effectiveness was obtained in groups that executed the programme within 1 semester (version B).

Jerzy BOGUCKI: Evaluating English Teaching Materials Used at College Level, with Special Reference to "Scientific and Technical" Departments

On the basis of two questionnaires, made in 1976 and 1978 by Międzyuczelniany Ośro­dek Metodyki Nauczania Języków .Obcych of Warsaw University, the author of the article analyses the types of English teaching materials used in the institutions of higher learning supervised by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology. He compares the list of 1976 with the one of 1978. Then he concen­trates on textbooks for the teaching of EST, reviewing some of those characteristic of the production of a few years ago, and in greater detail, these which represent a more recent approach to EST teaching. The concluding remarks contain some tentative suggestions concerning future textbooks designed for the teaching of English in "scientific and technical" departments of colleges.

Reviews and notices

Waldemar Pfeiffer, Teoretyczne podstawy preparacji materiałów glottodydaktycznych (Jarsław Anczewski)
N. Naiman, M. Frhőlich, H. H. Stern, A Todesco, The Good Language Learner (Hanna Komorowska)
George A. Miller. Philip N. Johnson-Laird, Language and Perception (Urszula Zaliwska-Okrutna)
John Munby, Communicative Syllabus Design (Hanna Komorowska)
J. A. van Ek, The Threshold Level for Modern Language Learning in Schools (Hanna Komorowska)
,,BABEL", International Journal of Translation (Barbara Zofia Kielar) Mannheimer Gutachten zu ausgewählten Lerhrwerken Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Rozemaria K. Tertel)
Brigitte Schlieben-Lange, Linguistische Pragmatik (Ewa Tomczyk-Popiriska)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliography of Polish Glottodidactics in the Years 1977-1978