Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 6 (1984)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Stanisław WOJNICKI: Nauczanie do celów ograniczonych jako układ glottodydaktyczny
Halina STASIAK: Język modelowy czy komunikatywny
Antoni MARKUNAS: Rola środków audiowizualnych w przebiegu niektórych procesów psychicznych podczas nauki języka obcego

Badania empiryczne

Jolanta DOBROWOLSKA:Badania empiryczne w glottodydaktyce lat siedemdziesiątych
Ewa SIAR3KIEWICZ-BIVAND:Kilka uwag o badaniach nad językiem ucznia

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Helena ŻMEWSKA: Krajoznawstwo i kulturoznawstwo w nauczaniu języków obcych
Edmund A. RONOWICZ: Kształcenie nauczycieli w zakresie wykorzystania pomocy audialnych w nauczaniu języków obcych
Ewa TOMCZYK-POPlŃSKA: Podręczniki kursowe do nauki języka niemieckiego na lektoratach
Elżbieta MAŃCZAK-WOHLFELD, Ewa WILLIM: Analiza błędów gramatycznych w pracach egzaminacyjnych kandydatów na filologię angielską

Recenzje i przeglądy

Peter Strevens (red.), In honour of A. S. Hornby, Oxford University Press, London 1978, 189 ss. (B.Z. Kielar)
Elmar Ternes, Probleme der kontrastiven Phonetik. Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag 1976, ss. VIII + 107 (= Forum phonetikum 13) (Marek Nidecki)
Henry G. Widdowson, Explorations in Applied Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 1979, ss. 263 (Maria Bylina)
G. P. Torsujev, Konstantnost' i variantivnost' v fonetićeskoj sisteme, Moskva 1977, Izdatelstwo ,,Nauka", ss. 123. (Joanna Zarańska-Skrzypek)
Norbert Morciniec, Zarys niemieckiej intonacji zdaniowej z ćwiczeniami. Wrocław 1979, Wydawn, UW, s. 75. (Christoph Schatte)
Stanisław P. Kaczmarski, Transferencja gramatyczna w dydaktyce języka obcego. Warszawa 1979 Wydawn. PW, ss. 128. (Jarosław Anczewski)

Sprawozdania i informacje

AILA '81 — VI Międzynarodowy Kongres Lingwistyki Stosowanej w Lund (Szwecja) (Stanisław Wojnicki)


Jan Lewandowski:Bibliografia glottodydaktyki polskiej za rok 1980 (Wybór)


Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Stanisław WOJNICKI: LSP as a Glottodidactic Chain

The author considers the teaching of a foreign language for special purposes as a specific sort of glottodidactic chain. Grucza's general model of glottodidactic chain is transformed into a developed general chain, as corresponding to the maximum variant of language teaching — i.e., one in which the goal is native-like competence. It is pointed out, however, that such an objective can very seldom be practically realized, and that actual teaching is almost always restricted in some way, so that the corresponding glottodidactic chain is also modified into a specific one. Chosing the extreme example of teaching the reading of specializ­ed texts as sole objective, the author presents the process of constructing a mo­del of the corresponding specific glottodidactic chain. It is suggested that such a model should be constructed before the setting up of any language course or textbook.

Halina STASIAK: A Foreign Language — Ideally Correct or Communicative

The problem whether we should strive for ideal correctness or communicative effectiveness in FLT has given rise to much controversy, mainly because of the broadness of such terms as "standard language", "model language" or "communicativeness". It seems that neither the "standard language" nor the "model language" can be the target in FLT. Linguistic communicativeness or language in use appears to be the target in question.

Antoni MARKUNAS: The Role of Audiovisual Aids in Some Psychological Processes Present in FLL

In the article an attempt has been made to present the most essential psychol-ogical phenomena accompanying Fl acquisition, when audiovisual aids are applied. In this context the following questions have been discussed: audiovisual perception, role of attention and attitude in perception, impact of audiovisual aids on motivation development in FLL, and the appropriateness of audiovisual aids for the processes of memorization of FL substance. The above problems have only been signalled to and need further exploration. Still now, it seems plausible that audiovisual aids can considerably catalyze the above-mentioned psychological processes.

Empirical Studies

Jolanta DOBROWOLSKA: Empirical Researches in Glottodidactics in the Years 1970-1979

The article presents a number of empirical researches carried out in the field of glottodidactics and published in IRAL, The Modern Language Journal and TESOL Quarterly in the years 1970-1979. The choice of projects to be presented has been determined by the following two criteria: aspect of the FL acquisition pro­cess (psychophysiological, psychological, methodological) and methodological type of project (diagnostic, innovative, evaluative, experimental). The researches dis­cussed in the article include projects of various degrees of methodological com­plication, i.e. cross-sectional, longitudinal, small- or big-size stratified sample re­searches.

Conclusions drawn from the above-mentioned researches pertain to two areas of problems, i.e. to foreign language teaching and to research methodol­ogy. The first group of conclusions include postulates addressed to educators and syllabus designers, to materials developers and to teachers. Among conclusions   concerning   foreign   language   teaching   there   are   some interesting remarks referring to psychological and psychophysiological aspects of learning processes. The final group of conclusions deal with the methodology of research projects discussed in the article. Attention is drawn to the insufficient number of longitudinal projects. Necessity is also pointed out for replication research and for justified generalization of the data collected.

Ewa SIARKIEWICZ-BIVAND: Some Remarks on the Study of Interlanguage

One of the main problems intriguing researchers examining students' language question whether interlanguage exists at all, i.e., whether there is a certain language system possessed by a foreign language learners, or whether it is simply a useful term to describe accidental fluctuations between correctness and error. The description of interlanguage is extremely difficult because of the great diversity of its manifestations, and the "interfering" influence of the language manual and the teacher in the processes of language learning. The author of the article analyses the literature dealing with the methods and results of experimental research on interlanguage.

Glottodidactics at University

Helena ŻMIJEWSKA: The So-called Realia in Foreign Language Teaching

The study of the so-called cultural realia in FLT at the advanced level isoften understood as the study of literary texts. Meanwhile, its principal goal should be to systematize and deepen the knowledge of a particular language community, which includes its customs, culture and geographical-economic background. Taking it as her starting point, the author of the article discusses the role of texts and films the realia, as well as literary texts in FLT when different teaching methods are applied, including audiolingual and cognitive ones.

Edmund A. RONOWICZ:Training Foreign Language Teachers in Using Audio Aid

Foreign language teachers use record-players, tape recorders and language lab­oratories more and more frequently. Hence, there is a need for an adequate train­ing programme in the proper use of these aids. The author discusses the reasons for the low effectiveness of such programmes and suggests a new training pro­gramme that was checked and proved successful at the Institute of Applied Lin­guistics.

Józef DARSKI: Role of Teacher in Foreign Language Learning

In the opinion of the author a higher level of knowledge of a foreign language is possible only if some   radical   changes   in   the   process   of   students' learning take place. The author first shows the ineffectiveness of the current methods of learning foreign languages and then demonstrates a practical way of overcoming the difficulties which has been proved workable during a period of several years of his own teaching. This new approach requires a change in teaching methods and the teacher should: 1. Show the student the most effective way of mastering a foreign language; 2. Draw the students' attention to a situation in which the speech act occurs; 3. Translate, both literally and meaningfully, whole texts and thus constantly contrast the foreign language with the native one in the initial stage of learning; 4. Encourage students to take a more active part in such translations after the initial stage; 5. Explain grammatical problems (morphological, syntactical) after these have been subconsciously learned by making reference to students' knowledge of grammar their native language; 6. Explain the basic and then the detailed differences in the articulation between the foreign and the native languages; 7. Help the student, through control and correction, to master the articulatory basis of the foreign language; and 8. Supervise and thus individualize students' learning process.

Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA: Coursebooks of German Used at College Level

The article describes the most popular coursebooks of German used at collage level in Poland. Their analysis is based on  the questionnaires sent to the teacher of German in Polish institutions of higher learning and covers the academic year 1977/78. After the introduction  containing some  theoretical  principles lying behind preparation of glottodidactic materials  the author presents in brief individual, most widely used  coursebooks  of German,  quoting the  most common opinions obtained on their subject. Later, she analyses the  present  system of FLT at college level as  it  determines  the  function  of  a  FLT   coursebook, and influence the choise of a particular glottodidactic material made by individual teachers or centres for FLT in college. The writer points to the validity of consisted and unified FLT syllabuses (accounting for courses of different time spans), stressing the need for new appropriate   coursebooks, which should become the main, if not the only, element of an integrated set of glottodidactic material to be used at college level.

Elżbieta MAŃCZAK-WOHLFELD, Ewa WILLIM: Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Examination Papers of English Department Candidates

The author of the article has analysed 141 examination papers of students taking their entrance examination at the English Department of Jagellonian University in 1980. The first part of the article   deals with errors from multiple choice tests, the second with those from translation tests, each part being supplemented by a list of problems which proved the most difficult for the candidates.

Reviews and Notices

Peter Strevens(red.), In honour of A. S. Hornby, Oxford University Press, London 1978, 189 ss. (B.Z. Kielar)
Elmar Ternes, Probleme der kontrastiven Phonetik. Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag 1976, ss. VIII + 107 (= Forum phonetikum 13) (Marek Nidecki)
Henry G. Widdowson, Explorations in Applied Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 1979, ss. 263 (Maria Bylina)
G. P. Torsujev, Konstantnost' i variantivnost' v fonetićeskoj sisteme, Moskva 1977, Izdatelstwo ,,Nauka", ss. 123. (Joanna Zarańska-Skrzypek)
Norbert Morciniec, Zarys niemieckiej intonacji zdaniowej z ćwiczeniami. Wrocław 1979, Wydawn, UW, s. 75. (Christoph Schatte)
Stanisław P. Kaczmarski, Transferencja gramatyczna w dydaktyce języka obcego. Warszawa 1979 Wydawn. PW, ss. 128. (Jarosław Anczewski)

Notes and Reports

AILA '81 — VI International Congress of Applied Linguistic In Lung (Scotland) (Stanisław Wojnicki)


Jan Lewandowski: The Bibliography of Polish Glottodidactics – 1980 (A Selection)