Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 12 (1993)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Hans-Jurgen KRUMM: Gramatyka w nauczaniu języka niemieckiego ukierunkowanego na komunikację
Janusz ZYDROŃ: Redundancja językowa w tekstach popularnonaukowych i materiałach glottodydaktycznych
Krystyna JARZĄBEK: Kontakt z obcą społecznością. a znaki kinetyczne wspomagające komunikację mowna
Czesława SCHATTE: Zwroty językowe w nauczaniu języków obcych na przykładzie języka niemieckiego

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Małgorzata GNYŚ, Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA, Monika ŻELAZOWSKA: Organizacja procesu glottodydaktycznego na lektoratach języków obcych w latach 1989-1991 w Polsce
Urszula ŻYDEK-BEDNARCZUK: Błędy językowe a zjawisko interferencji międzyjęzykowej

Recenzje i przeglądy

R. Eppeneder(red.): Literarische Texte im kommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht. Goethe Institut, Miinchen 1985 (Aleksander Kozłowski)
A. Kątny(lied.): Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik und literarischen Ubersetzung. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfiirt /M. 1989 (Ryszard Lipczuk)
H.-J. Giimm, F. Kempter: Kleine deutsche Artikellehre fur Auslander. Regeln und Ubungen. Verlag Enzyklopadie, Leipzig 1989 (Czesława Schatte)
S. Stati: Le transphrastique. PUF, Paris 1990 (Anna Baran-Furga)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i studiów kontrastywnych za rok 1988
Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i studiów kontrastywnych za rok 1989

CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Hans-Jiirgen KRUMM: Grammar in Teaching German for Communication

In the introductory part of his article, the author presents the current discussion on grammar teaching viewed from the communicative perspective. The aims, range and methods employed in this approach are presented. The author suggests that grammar in the process of teaching is ancillary, and supports this view with concrete examples quoted from the text­books used for teaching German as a foreign language.

The author then proceeds to discuss the psychological aspect of the problem. He empha­sizes the importance of linguistic experience acquired by the learner prior to undertaking re­gular instruction, as well as the necessity of analysing this experience and making use of it, transforming and extending it in the process of teaching. A comparison of perspectives of both the teacher and the learner is then provided. The presentation is based on an analysis of questionaires aimed at finding out the strategies and motivation in the acquisition of grammar, as well as difficulties in teaching and learning grammar. The last part ofthe ar­ticle is concerned with the presentation of the author's own theses and examples of methods of grammar teaching in the communicative approach.

Janusz ZYDROŃ: Language Redundancy in Popular Scientific Texts and FLT-Materials

The paper is an attempt to analyse the content of redundancy elements in popular scien­tific texts and FLT-materials. Concerning the Shamon scheme of communication, four func­tionally different kinds of redundancy are identified. Furthermore, the specifics of both kinds of texts are pointed out, whereas the knowledge-mediating character and the high number of redundancy elements are underlined. In popular scientific texts language redundancy is used to: (i) build up a contact with the reader, (ii) stimulate the motivation and the will to learn, (iii) facilitate the reception of texts.

The main function of redundancy in FLT can be defined as "a way of mediating and slo­wing down the didactic process of transmission". In addition, six other secondary functions are distinguished.

Krystyna JARZĄBEK: Contact with a Foreign Community and Kinetic Signs Supporting Communication

The paperconsists of: 1. concise information on the disciplines investigating patterns of kinetic behaviour in various linguistic and cultural communities 2. description of kinetic signs supporting oral communication 3. description of several signs which, if used inappro­priately, may lead to misunderstanding in communication between Poles and Russians 4. ar­guments pointing to the necessity of correct comprehension of signs used by members of fore­ign community.

Czesława SCHATTE: Idiomatic Phrases in Foreign Language Teaching on the Example of German

Part of communicative competence is constituted by idiomatic competence, that is, passi­ve and active acquisition of foreign language phrases. In order to facilitate didactic tasks, it is necessary to distinguish between two groups of phrases. The first group includes pragma­tic phrases, which are usually introduced in the early stages of teaching. The second group consists of phrases of secondary character, possessing metaphorical meaning, which can be introduced at a more advanced level of teaching. The acquisition of phrases is accelerated when they are grouped according to their equivalents (or, possibly, lack of equivalents) in the native language. Apart from enriching learners' linguistic competence, idiomatic phrases can lerve as a source of knowledge about intercultural communication.

Glottodidactics at University

Małgorzata GNYŚ, Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA, Monika ŻELAZOWSKA: Glottodidactic Process in Non-Linguistic Departments in the Years 1989-1991 in Poland

The article presents the results of the first part of a study into the current practice of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic departments of most higher schools subordinate    to the Ministry of National Education. The comparative study was conducted by Warsaw University's Inter-University Centre of Foreign Language Teaching Methodology and concerned the organization and implementation of the teaching process of English, German, French and Russian in the years 1989-91. The data reported here were obtained by means of a questionnaire sent by: technical universities, economic schools, agricultural schools and teachers colleges in 1991. Among the variables investigated were length and frequency of language classes, as well as the form of both the entrance and the final exam.

Urszula ŻYDEK-BEDNARCZUK: Language Errors and the Phenomenon of Interlanguage Interference

This paper is aimed at presenting the problem of language error, which is refered to as a deviation from the grammatical system occuring in the spoken or written form of language, and secondly, as the phenomenon of interlanguage interference. On the basis of the material obtained from the learners of Polish at Martin Luther Universität in Halle, three main types of errors, namely, phonetic, morphological, and syntactic have been identified, described and explained. Attention is drawn to errors resulting from interlanguage interference. The task of the teacher is to make the learner aware of this type of error, to explain the mechanisms due to which it occurs and to provide a description of relevant gammatical phenomenon in the foreign language. For the use od teachers, a list of the most common errors encountered among German learners of Polish is provided.

Reviews and notices

R. Eppeneder (red.): Literarische Texte im kommunikativen Fremdsprachenunterricht. Goethe Institut, Miinchen 1985 (Aleksander Kozłowski)
A. Kątny (red.): Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik und literarischen Ubersetzung. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfiirt /M. 1989 (Ryszard Lipczuk)
H.-J. Giimm, F. Kempter: Kleine deutsche Artikellehre fur Auslander. Regeln und Ubungen.
Verlag Enzyklopadie, Leipzig 1989 (Czesława Schatte)
S. Stati: Le transphrastique. PUF, Paris 1990 (Anna Baran-Furga)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliography of Works in Teaching of Polish as a Foreign Language and on Contrastic Studies for Year 1988
Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliography of Works in Teaching of Polish as a Foreign Language and on Contrastic Studies for Year 1989