Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 14 (1995)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Elżbieta Jolanta LELENTAL: Parametry aktu komunikacji w sytuacji obcojęzycznej a glottodydaktyka

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Elżbieta Jolanta LELENTAL: Dialog jako forma prezentacji aktów komunikacji interpersonalnej (na przykładzie podręcznika J. i G. Capelle'a La Franceen Direct)

Badania empiryczne

Małgorzata GASZYŃSKA: Hiszpański tryb łączący (subjuntivo) w interpretacji autorów polskich gramatyk języka hiszpańskiego Jerzy KRZYSZPIEŃ: O przyczynach zawiłości pisowni angielskiej
Małgorzata GNYŚ: Elementy kulturoznawstwa w procesie glottodydaktycznym na lektoratach języka francuskiego w uczelniach humanistycznych w Polsce. Stan aktualny

Recenzje i przeglądy

Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Das neue einsprachige Wörterbuch für Deutschlernende. Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Munchen 1993 (Ryszard Lipczuk)
Piotr Kakietek: Polsko-angielski słownik frazeologiczny. Wydawnictwo Energeia, Warszawa 1993 (Piotr  Kaczmarski)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego, badań nad językiem polonijnym i studiów kontrastywnych za rok 1992

Materiały z konferencji

I Międzynarodowa Konferencja na temat: Metodyka nauczania języków obcych, zorganizowana 26-27 stycznia 1994 r. przez Węgierski Instytut Kultury w Warszawie
Janusz BAŃCZEROWSKI: Niektórezagadnienia z zakresu metodyki nauczania język polskiego Węgrów
Marta GEDEON: Język węgierskidla Polaków. Niektóre zagadnienia glottodydaktyczne
Włodzimierz MAJEWSKI: Rola i znaczenietechnik neurolingwistycznego programowania w nauczaniu i uczeniu się języków obcych
Katarzyna MOSIOŁEK-KŁOSIŃSKA: Kompleksowe kształtowanie czterech sprawności językowych w nowym podręczniku do nauki języka polskiego jako obcego 
Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA: Środki metatekstowe w nauczaniu języka niemieckiego


CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Elżbieta Jolanta LELENTAL: Parameters of the Act of Communication in a Foreign Language vs. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology

Interpersonal communication is considered as a complex system of interdependent parameters. During a face-to-face act of communication each party sends and receives an overall and heteroge­neous statement which is a total of several components.

If a language course is to facilitate a successful acquisition by the learner of tools which will allow him to produce and interpret foreign language utterance, glottodidactics must acknowledge the difference in the functioning of all parameters in the act of communication, i.e. not only the struc­tural difference of the foreign language, but also the difference in the civilizational-cultural for­mation of the native speakers of that language conditioned by the latter.

Glottodidactics at University

Elżbieta JolantaLELENTAL: The Dialogue as a Form of Presenting Interpersonal Communication Acts Using the Example of the Textbook La Franceen Direct by J. and G. Capelle

The principal aim of FLT methods in recent years has been to enable students to actively use the language in a natural communication situation. The analysed dialogue is not a presentation of communication patterns which illustrate the authentic acts of interpersonal communication. The consequence of this fragmentary model of com­munication realized in the school textbook in question is the limitation of students' interactional practice possibilities, because neither the communicative goals nor linguistic means which make it possible to achieve those goals are shown.

Empirical studies

Malgorzata GASZYNSKA: The Subjunctive Mood as Interpreted by Polish Authors of Books on Spanish Grammar

The article analyses the interpretations of the Spanish subjunctive as presented in four grammar books edited in Poland after the year 1945. In all of them it is suggested that the use of the sub­junctive mood in a subordinate sentence is determined by linguistic factors only. This implies that the use of this mood does not convey any special meaning.

In the article it is suggested that, in future, authors of books on Spanish grammar should take into account recent works on the system of Spanish moods. First of all, the futuro hipotetico should not be considered a mood at all. Then, it should not be maintained that the principle of concordantia temporum rules the use of tenses of the Spanish subjunctive. Eventually, sentences in which the use of both indicativo and subjunctivo moods is possible should be commented on.

Jerzy KRZYSZPIEŃ: A Few Words about the Causes of the Intricacies in English Spelling

The complexity of English spelling as a cultural phenomenon may be of interest to foreign learn­ers. Because of the past sound changes and the conservatism of the spelling, the English writing system is poorly adapted to the phonological system of the language. However, it has its regularities. One of them is the indirect symbolization involving the final -e, as in drive. The spelling of live is a departure from this rule. The vowel [a] is regularly represented by u, as in cup; the use of o, as in son, comes from an early spelling change to facilitate reading. The multiple use of vowel letters is partly due to the great vowel shift, which affected long vowels in words like bind, house, do, he and bake. The pair gh lost its original significance in e.g. bright and daughter with the disappearance of [Ç] and [x], however it continues to denote [g], as in ghost. Enthusiasm for classical sources could result in historical misspellings, such as author. Interesting as its history might be, the English ortho­graphy has to be mastered through patient memorization.

Małgorzata GNYŚ: Elements of Cultural Studies in Teaching French in Non-Linguistic Departments of Polish Universities. Present Situation

The article provides an extensive analysis of glottodidactic materials on French cultural studies used in non-linguistic departments of universities in Poland in the light of proposed curriculum changes. The analysis of FLT materials for the years 1980-1993 makes it possible to put forward pro­posals concerning the ratio of particular elements constituting the language course. The author sug­gests that the selection of FLT materials should take into account the ongoing cultural and social transformations as well as specific needs of the course.

Reviews and notices

Langenscheidts Großwörterbuch. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Das neue einsprachige Worterbuch
fur Deutschlernende. Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und Miinchen 1993 (Ryszard Lipczuk)
Piotr Kakietek: Polish-English Phraseological Dictionary. Wydawnictwo Energeia, Warszawa 1993 (Piotr Kaczmarski)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliography of: Publications in the Field of Teaching
Polish as Foreign Language, Research on the Polish Language Used by the Polish Community Abroad, Contrastive Studies for the Year 1992

Materials from the Conference

Materials from the 1st International Conference: Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (January 26-27 1994, Warsaw) organized by the Institute of Hungarian Culture
Janusz B ANCZEROWSKI: Some Theoretical Aspects of Teaching Polish to Hungarians
Marta GEDEON: Some Glottodidactic Aspects of Teaching Polish to Hungarian Students
Włodzimierz MAJEWSKI: On the Role of Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques in Foreign Language Teaching/Learning
Katarzyna MOSIOłEK-KłOSIŃSKA: Comprehensive Development of the Four Language Skills in the New Polish Language Textbook
Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA: Metatextual Devices in Teaching German as a Foreign