Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 11 (1990)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Waldemar Woźniakowski: O przydatności realnego pojmowania gramatyki w badaniach nad akwizycją językową
Krystyna Chomicz-Jung: Norma glottodydaktyczna i jej rola w procesie glottodydaktycznym
Stanisław Kaczmarski: Podręcznik do nauki języka obcego w ujęciu bilingwialnym
Maria Dakowska:Psycholingwistyczne aspekty procesu rozumienia języka pisanego a techniki pracy z tekstem fachowym
Hanna Szłapka: Wykorzystanie elementów kognitywnej teorii nauczania w procesie dydaktycznym języka angielskiego
Andrzej Zombirt: Relacje między komponentem dźwiękowym a wizualnym w filmie glottodydaktycznym

Gottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Hanna Komorowska: Przygotowanie studentów do pracy nauczycielskiej – stan obecny i propozycje rozwiązań
Jan Rusiecki: Kształcenie językoznawcze studentów neofilologii

Recenzje i przeglądy

D. Fiusa, M. K. Kahl, F. Weiss: „En effeuillant la marguerite" (materiały uzupełniające do metody audialnej i ćwiczenia stylistycznego do gier językowych,Hachette/Langenscheidt (Małgorzata Gnyś)
Ryszard Lipczuk (ed.) „Grammatische Studien. Beiträge zur germanistschen Linguistik in Polen, Kűmmerle Verlag, Gőppingen (Jan Wachowiak)
Werner Reinecke: Linguodidaktik. Zur Theorie des Fremdsprachenerwerbs, Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig (Aleksander Kozłowski)

Sprawozdania i informacje

I Międzynarodowa Konferencja w ramach projektu badawczego „Język mówiony" – Gesprochene Sprache, UAM, Poznań, czerwic 1988 (Izabela Prokop)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i studiów kontrastywnych za rok 1986-1987

Contents / Abstracts


Discussions and Articles

Waldemar Woźniakowski: On Usefulness of Real Grammar in the Study of Language Acquisition

The article addresses the question of whether grammar is merely an intellec­tual rnn3truct or an entity that is somehow real, and which of these aoproaches best serves the study of language acquisition. The author points out that gramnar can be ascribed several kinds of reality which he subsequently discusses. In con­clus:ori, he argues for adopting N. Chomsky's biological concept of grammar.

Krystyna Chomicz-Jung: Glottodidactic (Gd) Norm and Its Role In the Gd Process

In this paper the notion of glottodidactic (Gd) norm is defined as a quality and quantity marker of the syllabus characteristics, comprising linguistic, metan­linguistic, communicative, performative, sociolinguistic and realia and culture elemerts, meant for a scheduled staqe or time of instruction.

Changing in the course of Gd process the GO Form serves as dynamic goal list and criterion for the FL learner's performance evaluation. The Gd norm as a link of Gd syllabus and Gd evaluation in the Gd triangle leads to the elicitation of a Gd error. The notions of Gd process and its constituents: teaching, learning and acquisi­tion processes are subsequently defined. The last two re distinguished through the metalinguistic and performative subnorms. Gd norm characteristics and its structure offers a threshold for its various functions in the description, study and improvement of the process.

Stanisław Kaczmarski: A Bilingual Functional-Communicative Foreign language Coursebook

A new bilingual functional-communicative coursebook for intermediate learners of English in two parts, i.e. „English as Experience" by L. L. Szkutnik and „Ex­perience through Practice" by S. P. Kaczmarski is based on the principle of heuristic procedures. A clear distinction is also made between two basic learning situations, i.e.: (a) in the classroom and (b) at home. The coursebook combines elements of (a) a functional approach, (b) structur­allst-behavicurist automatization of multivariant dialogues, (c) a cognitive ap­proach facilitating the use of the learner's intellectual potential in forming senantic-grammatical associatir~ns between Polish and English, (d) individualiza­tion of the learning process in terms of the creative use of language and emo­tional involvement of the learner. One of the most characteristic features of the book in question is the ap­plication of a large number of exercises and tests employing the techniques of grammatical transference and semantic/pragmatic translation related to the pr in­ciole of Ll - L2 feedback.

Maria Dakowska: Psycholinguistic Aspects of the Reading Process and the Techniques of Working with the Technical Text

The article discusses some recent tendencies in the psycholinguistic research of the reading process, which emphasize the integrative character of information processing and the role of prior knowledge of the reader engaged in the form of scripts; scenarios and macros structures. The traditional techniques employed in teaching the skill of reading are presented in the new light.

Hanna Szłapka: Application of Some Elements of the Cognitive Code Learning Theory in the Teaching Process of English

The paper presents a new concept of teaching English at the elementary level. It shows the program and teaching techniques, the course of study on the practical use of the program, the results, their analysis and the evaluation of the modifica­tions introduced as well as the conclusions. The concept is based on some principles of the cognitive code learning theory but it also comprises some elements of other teaching methods (including the na­tural approach theory). The development of the comprehension skill is stressed. The teaching process (about 70 - 100 teaching hours) concerns all basic temporal structures for the presentation of which a grammatical commentary in the graphic form (a diagram of English tenses and sentence formulae) is used.

Andrzej Zombirt: Relations between Audio and Visual Elements in Sound Film in Foreign Language Teaching

The paper discusses various approaches to relations between the audio ele­ments and visual elements in the sound film used in foreign language teaching. The author believes that bath elements should be regarded as equally important, for during film perception they are complementary in that the main load of informa­tion is transferred from one element to another. Another aspect of the paper is an attempt to define accurately the meaning of some terms describing the relations between vision and sound.

Glottodidactics at University

Hanna Komorowska: Pre-Service teacher Training. A Proposal

The article contains an anaiys:is of the present state of preservice teacher training at Polish universities, followed by a proposal for increasing the amount of time given to task-oriented observation of classroom contexts within the pres­ent curricula and teaching plans for tertiary education. In the first part of the article the author discusses several sources of inadequacies in teacher training such as ideal, decontiextual models of teaching-Iearning processes or one-sided, dominating perspectives on situations arising in classrooms. In the second part of tne article ways of conducting specialization classes and MA seminars are pres­ented wr,icn consist in tne incorporation of individual student observation of selected variables and interactions in the course of specimen sampling, time sam­pling, event saiüpling and rating procedures.

Jan Rusiecki: The Teaching of Linguistic Subjects in University departments of Modern Languages In Poland

One of the principal tasks of university departments of modern languages, training language teachers. This involves, among others, a study of linguistics: above all, the study of the grammar of the language which prospective graduates will teach. The author argues against the present system of training, under which students are taught two parallel courses: a course in grammar treated as an abstract formal system, and a course in grammar presented as a practical system of interpersonal communication.

The two streams of teaching are not correlated, and - what is more - teaching about language as a system of communication is widely considered to be less "scientific" than a presentation of the currently fashionable linguistic theory. This is to be deplored, for two reasons. First, it is the semantic-pragmatic rather than the formal-theoretic approach to linguistic communication that is relevant to the needs of future teachers. Secondly, students who intend to write their diploma theses on subjects from the field of literary or cultural studies (and these constitute the majority of future graduates - and prospective teachers) should not be burdened with courses in formal theories of language; partially in view of the unrealistically large number of compulsory subjects can the cur­riculum, and the overextended weekly time-table of students. The author suggests ways of revising the present system of studies, and of integrating the theoreti­cal and the practical streams in the study of grammar.

Reviews and Notices

D. Fiusa, M. K. Kahl, F. Weiss: „En effeuillant la marguerite" (materiały uzupełniające do metody audialnej i ćwiczenia stylistycznego do gier językowych, Hachette/Langenscheidt (Małgorzata Gnyś)
Ryszard Lipczuk (ed.) „Grammatische Studien. Beiträge zur germanistschen Linguistik in Polen, Kűmmerle Verlag, Gőppingen (Jan Wachowiak)
Werner Reinecke: Linguodidaktik. Zur Theorie des Fremdsprachenerwerbs, Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig (Aleksander Kozłowski)

Notes and Reports

1st international Adam Mickiewicz University Conference on „Spoken Language – Gesprochene Sprache" Report on Research Project, June 1988 (Izabela Prokop)


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs: The Bibliography of Polish Glottodidactics and Confrontative-Contrastive Studies in the Year 1986-1987