Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 21 (2004)


Rozprawy i artykuły

Sambor GRUCZA: „Teksty" a teksty implikacje glottodydaktyczne ich stratyfikacji
Wanda ZMARZER: Dydaktyczne aspekty badań terminologicznych
Izabela BAWEJ: Kompetencja językowa i komunikacyjna w interkulturowo zorientowanym Procesie glottodydaktycznym

Badania empiryczne

Anna ŻUREK: Strategie grzecznościowe replik przeproszenia (na przykładzie wypowiedzi uczących się języka polskiego jako obcego)

Recenzje i przeglądy

Hermann FUNK, Christina KUHN, Silke DEMME, Christel BETTERMANN, Regina WERNER, Studio d, A 1, Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2005 (Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA)
Heike SIMON, Gisela FUNK-BAKER, Einführung in das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtssprache. 2. Auflage. C.H. Beck, München 2002 (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Janusz SIKORSKI, Korrektive Phonetik Praxis. Band 2. Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 2006 (Emilia GÓRSKA)
Wolfgang BUTZKAMM, Psycholinguistik des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Von der Muttersprache zur Fremdsprache. 3. neubearbeitete Auflage, A. Francke Verlag, Tübingen und Basel 2002 (Magdalena OLPIŃSKA)

Komunikaty i sprawozdania

Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Wirtschaftsdeutsch – vernetzt" zorganizowanej przez Szkołę Główną Handlową w Warszawie (19-21 września 2005 r.)
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej corocznej Konferencji Naukowej Stowarzyszenia Germanistów Polskich „Teksty jako przedmiot germanistycznych badań i pracy dydaktycznej" (Toruń, 12.14 maja 2006 r.) (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)

CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Sambor GRUCZA: "Texts" versus texts- glottodidactic implications of their stratification

The main objective, as well as a starting point for all glottodidactic studies, is to clarify the meaning of the term "text". This need results from the fact that in the process of language acquisition the language learner must, on the one hand, develop an ability to understand other texts (linguistic utterances) and, on the other hand, produce his/her own texts (linguistic utterances). In the process of foreign language learning and teaching, texts constitute the key didactic material that enables the language learner to develop specific language skills (conlpetences). The basic assumption of this article is that each text has been produced by a specific author and is based on his/her (specific) knowledge of the language or, in other words, on his/her linguistic competence.

Wanda ZMARZER: Didactic aspects of terminological analyses

The article is concerned with the didactic problems of specialist languages teaching. The author maintains that methodology of representation of certain terminological data must be derived from its specific features. In accordance with that principle didactic process is represented as consistency of five steps, namely: 1. description of terms in comparison with ordinary words; 2. identification of terms from the lingual point of view; 3. identification of terms from the logical point of view; 4. determination of the systematic potential of the terms; 5. some practice of compiling terminological dictionaries. All above mentioned recommendations are formulated on the basis of actual ISO docu­ments concerning principles of terminological work.

Izabela BAWEJ: Language and communicative competence in the interculturally oriented glottodidactic process

The language is the most perfect system of human communication. We can owing to the langu­age create verbal the reality. When we learn a foreign language, we have to treat the world according to the foreign culture because the foreign language learning is connected with the interpretation of the world in keeping with the categories of the new learned language. When we want to produce correct utterances about the reality in the foreign language or to understand them in the foreign language, we have to own also the knowledge about the world, that is the whole experience of everyone. The foreign language teaching should include various aspects of the cross-cultural stu­dies. The goal of language education is language competence, as well as the knowledge about the foreign reality that includes information about politics, history, economy, geography or common life and which learns us how to understand the foreign culture.

The teaching of foreign languages accepts that the foreign language learner have to achieve the language competence and the communicative competence. The language competence is defined often as the ideal speaker-hearer's knowledge, who knows how to apply the grammatical rules of a language to form correct utterances and to understand the new utterances that he has never met before. The communicative competence is a knowledge how to use the formed utterances appropriately.

Empirical studies

Anna ŻUREK: Politeness strategies of apology retorts (exemplified by utterances produced by students of Polish as a foreign language)

The article is devoted to the explanation what politeness strategies are used by nonnative speak­ers of Polish language to express apology replies. The instrument used in the study was a discour­se-completion test (DCT), developed for researching the speech act realization of second-language learners. The investigations were performed in Poland and abroad among students from various European countries. In the paper the different politeness strategies were presented and analyzed. The illocutionary force of apology replies was realized in four general ways: accepting the apology, minimizing the injustice, consoling a person who apologizes and expressing the regret. Additional­ly, the second goal of the study is to answer whether requests of second-language learners convey politeness value according to Polish rules of politeness.

Reviews and Notices

Hermann FUNK, Christina KUHN, Silke DEMME, Christel BETTERMANN, Regina WERNER, Studio d, A 1, Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2005 (Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA)
Heike SIMON, Gisela FUNK-BAKER, Einführung in das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtssprache. 2. Auflage. C.H. Beck, München 2002 (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Janusz SIKORSKI, Korrektive Phonetik Praxis. Band 2. Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 2006 (Emilia GÓRSKA)
Wolfgang BUTZKAMM, Psycholinguistik des Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Von der Muttersprache zur Fremdsprache. 3. neubearbeitete Auflage, A. Francke Verlag, Tübingen und Basel 2002 (Magdalena OLPIŃSKA)

News and Reports

Report on conference „Wirtschaftsdeutsch – vernetzt" (German bussiness language - in the net) organized by Warsaw School of Econonics (Warsaw, 19th.21st of September 2005) (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Report on annual international conference of the Polish Germanists Society "Teksty jako przedmiot germanistycznych badań i pracy dydaktycznej" (Text as an object of German studies and didactic work) (Toruń, 12th.14th May 2006) (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)