Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 10 (1989)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Elżbieta Muskat-Tabakowska: Semantyka teoria intencji autora wywiedzie: czy można nauczyć Polaka rodzajników
Urlich Esser: Czynniki osobowe i społeczne w procesie nauki języka obcego
Adam Marchwiński: Status translatorskich technik glottodydaktycznych w świetle koncepcji tzw. tłumaczenia pragmatycznego
Janusz Zydroń: Gramatyka w nauczaniu języków obcych: szkolna, dydaktyczne, komunikacyjna
Maciej Siennicki: Komputer w nauczaniu języka obcego

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Marceli Szafrański: Rozważania na temat języka zawodowego
Maria Wysocka: Model kształcenia studentów neofilologii i nauczania języków obcych w zakresie praktyki dydaktyczne
Zenon Grabarczyk: Preparacja materiałów glottodydaktycznych w zakresie tekstów specjalistycznych

Glottodydaktyka w szkole średniej

Anna Niżegorodcew: Materiały do nauczania języka angielskiego dla dzieci w wieku 8-11 lat, podejście komunikacyjne
Helena Żmijewska: Kulturoznawcze aspekty nauczania języków obcych w lektoratach uniwersyteckich, na podstawie języka francuskiego


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs:Bibliografia glottodydaktyki polonistycznej za rok 1984

Recenzje i przeglądy

Harro Stammerjohan(ed.): Franzősisch zum Lernen, 1986, s. 237 (Małgorzata Tryuk)
Gűnter Wesselmann: Handlungsorientierte Aufgabengestaltung im Deutschunterricht fűr Ausländer, 1978, s. 77 (Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)

Sprawozdania i informacje

Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej nt. „Kształcenie cudzoziemców w Polsce – doświadczenia dotychczasowe i program na przyszłość" (Małgorzata Majewska)

Contents / Abstracts

Disscussions and Articles

Elżbieta Muskat-Tabakowska: Semantics versus the Theory of the Speaker's Intensions: Can a Pole be Taught English Articles?

Arguing against the idea expressed by R. Brown in his article of 1973, that "students of English never really need articles" and many adult students never learn how to use them, the author ventures and proves a thesis that articles "useless" only in these cases in which they are redundant from the paint of view of linguistic communication. In an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness or tradi­txonal ways of teaching the definite article, the author discusses specific oc-­Mences of theedefinite article and typical exercises used in classroom. She con­cludes that the present ways of teaching the definite article are ineffective due to the fact that they overemphasize these cases where the use of the definite article is redundant.

Urlich Esser: The Role of Persona land Social Factors In the Process of Foreign Language Teaching/Learning

The article describes the author's project into the system of interdepender between certain traits of personality and the effects of studying a foreigni guage. The study, conducted among East German high school students, focused the following interdependences: between the type of interest in the studied 1 guage and the effectiveness of learning grammar and vocabulary, between the letter and certain indicators of intelligence, and between the IQ as determined standard intelligence tests and the acquired fluency in four basic skills. In the conclusion the author enumerates all psychological factors exertir positive influence on learning a foreign language, emphasizing particularlyn vation and emotional attitude toward the target language.

Adam Marchwiński: The Status of Glottodidactic Translation Techniques in View of the Conception So-Called of Pragmatic Translations

The author discusses translation and interpretation exercises used in the process of foreign language teaching from the point of view of their adherence to the conception of the so-called pragmatic translation. He concludes that transla­tions done by language students belong to the category of non-pragmatic transla­tion, whose essence consists in the search for foreign equivalents at lexical and syntactic levels.

Janusz Zydroń: Grammar In Foreign Language Teaching: School, Pedagogic and Communicative Grammars

The article deals with the notion of "grammar", its role and the relationship it has, as a language subsystem, to the other subsystems, as well as the techni­ques of grammar teaching in a glottodidactic process. While analyzing different types of grammar, the author of the article pays a special attention to school, pedagogical and communicative (functional) grammars, considering their status and inner differenciations. The article also shows the possibilities of application and usefulness of these grammar types at different levels of foreign language teaching. The author of the articie holds the view that communicative grammar is complementary in relation to a systemic language description.

Maciej Siennicki: Computer Assist In Language Learning?

The article describes the types of computer configurations and software which are available or may be available to Polish teachers in the nearest future. Some general issues in TFL are examined from the point of view of technological ad­vances followed by a detailed description of a computer simulation game used for language teaching. Prospective developments in computer assisted language learn­ing are then discussed. Readers are welcome to a printout of the program.

Glottodidactics at University

Marceli Szafrański: Reflections on the Nature of Professional Language

Professional language used for the purpose of communication in specific voca­tional fields is a sublanguage of natural language. It interacts with other sub­languages and involves various levels of abstraction. Professional language can be devided into definite occupational sublanguages. Professional language is mainly characterized by the detemined lexicon, individual stylistics comprising both general and specific lexical and grammati­cal stylistic signs as well as pattern-like expressions of natural and non­natural languages. Making use of defined terms allows to eliminate ambiguity from the process of communication. Learning the rules of the professional language is, apart from the acquisition of language, the other aim of teaching languages in high schools.

Maria Wysocka: The Model of Training Language Students and Teachers In FLT Methodology

The article concerns teaching practice that was arranged for the Gtudents of English during their classes on FLT Methodology. The classes took place in special high school during one semester, where the students were visiting dif­ferent lessons of English and teaching their first experimental lessons. The scheme of students preparation for these lessons, the characteristics fea­tures of the teaching process, as well as the ways in wchich particular units were later discussed with professional teachers,have been described here. The whole teaching practice has been evaluated from the point of view of the following criteria: (a) general behaviour of the student during the lesson, - pedagogic procedures, (b) the student's knowledge of the language, (c) methodology of teaching English. The conclusions include the modification of university syllabus for foreign language teaching methodology, the modification of pedagogic practice and changes in the structure of final examination on methodology. Also, the possibility of employing the above described model for professional teacher training has been discussed.

Zenon Grabarczyk: Constructing Glottodidactic Materials: Texts for Specific Purposes

Constructing teaching materials is the important field of glottodidactics. The aim of the present investigation is to present all the methodological prin­ciples underlying the selection of scientific texts for teaching English to students science. Because it is impossible to teach the whole filed od knowl­edge, we are forced tc select the part we wish to teach in the preparation of materials in foreign language teaching the following factors were taken into consideration: students' knowledge of the language, E:overage of the subject matter, frequency of occurrence of lexical and syntacti­cal units; range and criteria purely based on the random choice of the author. The use of language statistics was widely discussed as well as experiences and achievements in this field in Germany.

Due regard has been paid to different divisions of vocabulary and its teach­ing implications. At the intermediate level the author advocates to use adapted texts whlcil can be arrived at by such means as: an additional explanation, gram­matical transformation and elimination. The subject matter of adapted texts should not be distnrted. The main purpose is to work on purely original texts. The author describes the methodological principles of the textbook for speci­fic Purposes.

Anna Niżegorodcew: Teaching Materials for 8-11 Year-Old Children: the Communicative Approach

The article presents a conception concerning language teaching materials for children. Underlying this conception is an assumption that teaching materials are of vital importance for successful teaching of children. Therefore the author advocates introducing a language coursebook which would include communicative situations from the child's experience, thus combining foreign language teaching with teaching of other school subjects and general „knowledge about the world". Likwewise advocated is the use of all sorts of extra-linguistic tasks, where the foreign language is a natural consequence of the task situation.

Helena Żmijewska: Cultural Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching At College Level: The French Case

Basing her claims on an analysis of three current methods of teaching French to foreign students, „Interlignes", „Intercodes", and „Archipel" the author undertakes to prove that cultural and ethnographic studies play a major role in modern language teaching. A close examination of cultural contents of the three methods,and their evaluation from the point of view of college language teachers, who have to carefuly select cultural material so that it matches the students' command of the foreign language, leads the author to conclude that despite the visible effort on the part of French language teaching specialists to fully pres­ent the cultural assets of their country, neither of the methods discussed has succeeded in so doing. As both linguistic and extra-linguistic reality differ from country to country, what is obvious to a Frenchman may not be so simple and easy to understand for a foreign students of French. Therefore, apart from re­presenting the specific character and cultural uniqueness of the country where the language in question is spoken, the teaching material should provide a point of reference, either by comparing the foreign and the native cultures, or by finding a certain universal common denominator for both. According to the author, the chief difficulty in contrastive cultural studies lies in the need to evoke in students s proper attitude towards the foreign culture, full of understanding and tolerance, while simultaneously maintaining a natural and full of dignity attitude towards the native culture.


Jadwiga Latusek, Hanna Prejs:Bibliography of Polish Glottodidactcs for 1984

Reviews and notices

Harro Stammerjohan(ed.): Franzősisch zum Lernen, 1986, s. 237 (Małgorzata Tryuk)
Gűnter Wesselmann: Handlungsorientierte Aufgabengestaltung im Deutschunterricht fűr Ausländer, 1978, s. 77 (Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)

Notes and Reports

Report on the Conference on Teaching Foreigners in Poland – Past Experience and Future Prospects (Małgorzata Majewska)