Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 17 (2000)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Materiały z konferencji organizowanych przez Węgierski Instytut Kultury w Warszawie
Christoph Schatte: Podejście kognitywne w semantyczno-syntaktycznym opisie czasowników
Kazimierz Michalewski: Morfonologia w słownikach
Janusz Banczerowski: Gramatyka komunikacyjna jako model kompetencji komunikacyjnej człowieka. Zarys problematyki
Stanisław P. Kaczmarski: Gramatyka a funkcjonalno-komunikacyjne nauczanie języka obcego
Leszek L. Szkutnik: Nauka gramatyki jako przyswajanie nowego sposobu oglądu rzeczywistości
Władysław Kaniuka: Specyfika języka biznesu w aspekcie gramatyki konfrontatywnej

Badania empiryczne

Tomasz Konik: Rola gramatyki w kształceniu nauczycieli języka angielskiego
Elżbieta Artowicz: Relacje między węgierską gramatyką opisową i praktyczną gramatyką języka węgierskiego (czasownik)
Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska: Zagadnienia specyfiki mówionego języka niemieckiego w glottodydaktyce

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Janusz Sikorski: „Theoria cum praxi". Fonetyka praktyczna języka niemieckiego w Polsce
Bożena Banach: Interkulturowe tendencje we współczesnej glottodydaktyce
Sambor Grucza: Struktura i funkcja słowników glottodydaktycznych. Słowniki do nauki języka obcego
Katarzyna Malesa: O pomiarze progresji materiału gramatycznego w podręcznikach do nauki języka niemieckiego

Recenzje i przeglądy

Ryszard Lipczuk, Paweł Mecner, Werner Westphal, Lexikon der modernen Linguistik.
Ausgewaehlte Begriffe zur Kommunikation und Kognitionswissenschaft. Leksykon lingwistyki współczesnej. Wybrane pojęcia z zakresu komunikacji i nauk kognitywnych
, Wydawnictwo Promocyjne „Albatros", Szczecin 1999 (Ewa Zwierzchoń)

Nowe tendencje w glottodydaktyce, pod red. Janusza Arabskiego, Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Marketingowego i Języków Obcych w Katowicach, Katowice 1998 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)

Paweł Szerszeń: Nauka języka niemieckiego w programie „Lingua Land" (1996-1997)
Klaus Lodewick: DSH-Training. Texte aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (nicht nur) zur Vorbereitung auf die DSH, Fabouda Verlag, Goettingen 1997 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)
Weronika Wilczyńska: Uczyć się czy być nauczanym? O autonomii w przyswajaniu języka obcego, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa- Poznań 1999
Janusz Henzel, Edward Szędzielorz, Wymowa i intonacja rosyjska dla uczniów szkół średnich, wydanie drugie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1997(Lucyna Jackowska)


Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Proceedings from conferences held by the Institute of Hungarian Culture in Warsaw

Christoph Schatte: Cognitive approach to semantic and syntactic description of verbs

The article is concerned with the problems of classificationof verbs according to morphological, syntactical or semantic criteria, as well as onomasiologic criteria which meet the needs of con­temporary lexicography. The author considers whether the features of the types of states (in descriptive classification of verbs) can be termed to be features of verbs or features of states. He concludes that the semantic and syntactic description of verbs should always be made with regard to a given sentence, since they form the predicates of given types of sentences.

Kazimierz Michalewski: Morphology in dictionaries

The article concerns the morphological alternation in Polish and Hungarian languages in contrastive approach. The author on numerous examples discusses the difficulties encountered due to this phenomenon by foreigners learning Hungarian. He also presents the spectrum of available dictionaries with regard to the information on morphological features of words. The author con­cludes that this information is inadequate and includes his own critical observations and suggestions.

Janusz Bańczerowski: Communicative grammar as the model of communicative competence

The author assumes that in order to use a natural language correctly and effectively in social interaction it is necessary for the users to achieve communicative competence. This means that each language user possesses communicative grammar which enables him/her to realise various speech acts within various communicative strategies. This article presents the functioning model of a language encoding system, consisting of graphemic and articulemic encoding systems. The term of communicative competence is understood by the author as a communication program consisting of the following components: (1) language competence, (2) pragmatic language competence, (3) metalingual competence, (4) pragmatic metalingual competence, (5) non-verbal competence (para- and exu-alingual), (6) pragmatic non-verbal competence (para- and extralingual), (7) cultural competence, (8) pragmatic cultural competence. The author concludes that the communicative system, while including many components, is nevertheless a consistent whole, a strictly ordered system of elements and relations between elements. Although the components of this program, which together form the communicative competence, each have their own programs and organisations, they cannot be analysed in isolation, since their functioning is based on mutual co­operation coordinated by the general communicative program. In the author's opinion a com­municative grammar should contain the general rules enabling the correct and effective realisation of a communicative program. A model of communicative grammar is a set of relatively independent grammars subordinated to the general rules of the communicative program.

Stanisław P. Kaczmarski: Grammar and functional-communicative foreign language teaching

The following three fundamental phases can be distinguished in the process of developing a modern comprehensive grammar of English for speakers of other languages, i.e.: (1) compilation of a corpus of language data, (2) construction of 'a didactic grammar from this corpus, (3) derivation of pedagogical grammars from the didactic grammar. Pedagogical grammars should be prescriptive and based on bilingual comparison. There are two ways of approaching grammar teaching, reflected in two basic kinds of language teaching methods, i.e. paradigmatic (metalinguistic) and syntagmatic. Most linguists psychologists and practising teachers abide that only syntagmatic methods can be successfully applied in foreign language teaching.

Overemphasis of communicative competence as a factor of supreme importance may lead to a certain or even total neglect of grammatical (linguistic) competence and thus may cause confusion in the learner's mind. In order to discover and formulate grammatical rules one needs semantic interpretation, which must inevitably he based on the principle of bilingual comparison. The Bilingual Functional-Communicative Approach seems to he particularly suited to the establishment of common ground between two languages.

The process of transferring elements from L, into L„ which can be defined as mental translation usually takes place at the level of grammar, but in case of one's more advanced practical knowledge of L, it is bound to manifest itself in the use of lexis in general and conventional syntagms in particular.

The learner's L, should be used whenever there is much likelihood that it will accelerate the learning of foreign language components and thus increase the effectiveness of the teaching process.

A modern functional-communicative foreign language textbook must be contrastive, i.e. bi­lingual to show the regularities implicitly rather than state them by means of explicit rules. Grammatical patterns must be integrated in the thematic contents of particular lessons. The textbook should contain drills, exercise tests and suggestions for message-oriented activities in which al­ready practised structures could be applied.

Within the framework of the Bilingual Functional-Communicative Approach the following main categories of grammar teaching materials can be distinguished: (a) comparative pedagogical grammars and topical compendiums illustrated with numerous examples, (b) bilingual (mostly L, -> L,) grammatical and phraseological dictionaries with special reference to conventional syntagms, (c) books containing bilingual structural and functional-communicative exercises.

Learning a foreign language is an exercise in reinterpreting one's image of reality in terms of the new language. This calls for (a) the design of' textbooks and supplementary teaching materials Is device,, providing inter- and intra-language comparisons, (b) consistent use of the Bilingual Method in class, (c) the development of new bilingual forms of home assignments to facilitate the learner's assimilatory strategy with reference to L, system.

Leszek L. Szkutnik: Learning grammar as acquisition of a new methods of perceiving reality

This text concerns Polish adults learning English in Poland as non-captive audiences with par­ticular reference to self-study and self-development. The learning process is perceived as consisting of two levels: elementary and advanced. Advanced level learning (in class) has to be supported by massive self-study so that the whole process can become largely natural learning (involving reading, watching TV, etc.) The question arises whether it is possible far elementary level learning to have the qualities of natural learning. The answer is in the affirniative. However, tests have to be designed combining formal simplicity with depth of meaning. The role of the teacher has to be re-defined.

Władysław Kaniuka: Specificity of business language with regard to grammar confrontative

The article concerns questions connected with increasing the effectiveness of foreign language learning. The author introduces the differentiation between knowledge of general language and of specialised language, especially business language. It is proposed that knowledge of ca. 4000 most commonly used lexemes suffices for unimpaired communica?ion in everyday life. This constitutes ca. I% of the vocabulary of general language. On the other hand, ca. 400 most commonly used lexemes suffice in order to communicate within the range of specialised vocabulary of 'a given field. Therefore proposed is the application of the teleological theory of foreign language learning devised by the author of the article. According to this theory, a learner should internalize those lexemes and syntactic structures which will be used in particular communicative situations. Application of contrastive grammar can significantly increase the effectiveness of foreign language teaching since it provides data concerning similarities and differences in language structures of the mother and foreign tongues. Author's proposition is exemplified with the issues concerning sentence structures typical for every language (Sat--nmsrer) in view of Ulrich Enbel's, theory of dependent granuiiar. Knowledge of such sentence structures is one of the important conditions of' effective lcarning of a foreign lanbuage.

Empirical Studies

Tomasz Konik: Grammar in the education of English teachers

The paper presents a number of observations on grammar instruction for teachers of English as a foreign language, made in response to the author's teaching experience at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University. The author focuses on the notions "knowledge of grammar" and "knowledge about grammar", which are two kinds of knowledge that teachers of a foreign language must have in order to perform their job. The grammar classes that future teachers follow at university, i.e. "practical grammar" and "descriptive grammar" classes, are intended to deal with each kind of knowledge respectively. In practice, however, a large part of the "practical grammar" class is also devoted to the students' knowledge about rather than of English grammar. It therefore is im­perative to look for approaches in grammar instruction that would make the knowledge gained in the two kinds of classes mutually compatible. With regard to the descriptive grammar class, the author advocates a syllabus that would combine an intelligible and consistent functional approach with the mainstream modern structural approach (as used in the reference grammars of the Quirk et al. team). Discussed in the paper are also some detailed questions of grammar instruction at university level, such as (i) the relative importance of knowledge about the rules of formation and rules of function, and their interdependence in semantico-granunatical subsystems (e.g. in the case of rules

on the use of perfect constructions with modal auxiliaries in English). (ii) the nature (degree of analyzability) of the units perceived as subject to the rules of grammar at various levels of pro­ficiency and grammar awareness, and the consequent detail of grammatical knowledge to be gained by students (as in the case of extra posed subject passive constructions, e.g.: "it's expected/said + that" clause) and (iii) knowledge on the rules of stylistic choice between functionally equivalent products of grammatical rules of formation (such as nominalizations or the gerund and deverbal­-noun types).

Elżbieta Artowicz: Presentation of meaning of Polish and Hungarian verbs in a current bilingual dictionary

The author presents problems concerning the description of Polish and Hungarian verbs with regard to the currently available lexicographic methods. She also discusses the limited scope of lexicographic sources available at present to Polish linguists studying Hungarian and to Hungarian ones studying Polish. The objective of the current lexicographic analysis in Polish language is to develop the gramma­tical (syntactic) information, while in Hungarian linguistics appeared new interpret at ions of some grammatical categories. These two phenomena form the basis for definition of equivalence of entries in dictionaries of the source and tar-et languages. A description in the source language of the mean­ing of a word, preceding the list of its equivalents, should be an indispensable element of dictionary entries.

Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska: The issue of features of the spoken German language in teaching it as a foreign language

The article presents the results of a contrastive statistic analysis of the syntax of colloquial spoken conversation in German in its spontaneous, literary and FLT coursebook variants. The analysis concerns frequency of usage of determiners of the subject and adjunct. The results show that this frequency varies with regard to forms of the miners in the above-mentioned types of con­versations. According to the results of this analysis there is a greater similarity between the course­book and literary conversations than between the coursebook and spontaneous ones. The analysis shows that conversation in coursebook materials for teaching German as a foreign language should be verified with regard to the usage of determiners to be more in accordance with spontaneously produced texts.

Glottodidactics at University

Janusz Sikorski: „Theoria cum praxi". Practical phonetics of the German Language in Poland

The article offers an analytic review of research concerning leaching of practical phonetics of the German language in Poland. The main area of interest are pronunciation textbooks. The methodo­logical implications of the discussed textbooks are underlined. Since their existence is a natural result of theoretical concepts, and at the same time they constitute a tool for verification of research results, these textbooks may become a source of inspiration for further study. The conclusions of this discus­sion constitute an attempt at setting the field for a future polemic with some tenets of present glotto­didactic theories on phonetics The final section contains an outline of the development perspectives of this field of research, with special attention given to the role of corrective phonetics in reaching optimum didactic procedures; in the light of the present research the integrated intensive programs of teaching phonetics are considered to be such optimum procedures.

Bożena Banach: Intercultural trends in contemporary glottodidactics

The article consists of three parts: l. Social and cultural aspects of FLT, discussed on the examples of given countries. 2. Cultural elements in particular FLT methods.  3. Pedagogical implications of sociolinguistics. The author discusses the problem of intercultural competence. Then she describes the cultural elements in both conventional and unconventional FLT methods. The final part is devoted to role of sociolinguistics in teaching of foreign languages.

Sambor Grucza: Structure and function of glottodidactic dictionaries. Dictionaries as aid in the process of foreign language learning

The aim of the present article is to specify the term glottodidactic dictionaries as well as to define/describe the structure and function of dictionaries used in foreign language learning. The category of glottodidactic dictionaries will include those dictionaries which appear particularly useful in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language. The term glottodidactic is used in its broad sense and will refer to the teaching and learning of one's first as well as foreign languages. Therefore, among glottodidactic dictionaries, there is a differentiation between glottodidactic dictio­naries for first language acquisition on the one hand, and glottodidactic dictionaries for foreign language acquisition on the other. As glottodidactic dictionaries make up a particular category of didactic dictionaries, and didactic dictionaries constitute a particular type of dictionaries in general, thus the inner structure of glottodidactic dictionaries should primarily/first of all be examined within an overall/general typology of didactic dictionaries. The function of glottodidactic dictionaries, however, should be assessed with respect to their glottodidactic relevance.

Katarzyna Malesa: O pomiarze progresji materiału gramatycznego w podręcznikach do nauki języka niemieckiego

There are many definitions of progression, including the progression of grammar in coursebooks for teaching and learning foreign languages. However, it is not possible to measure or describe it more precisely. We can only say that it is "steep" or "flat", concentric or linear, but it is not possible to measure e.g. "the quantity of progression in a coursebook or within one unit No method has been developed to estimate the quantity or any other dimension of grammatical progression. Such method would be useful to estimate already existing coursebooks and it would be helpful for authors during development of new ones.

Reviews and Reports

Ryszard Lipczuk, Paweł Mecner, Werner Westphal, Lexikon der modernen Linguistik. Ausgewaehlte Begriffe zur Kommunikation und Kognitionswissenschaft. Leksykon lingwistyki współczesnej. Wybrane pojęcia z zakresu komunikacji i nauk kognitywnych, Wydawnictwo Promocyjne „Albatros", Szczecin 1999 (Ewa Zwierzchoń)

Nowe tendencje w glottodydaktyce, pod red. Janusza Arabskiego, Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Marketingowego i Języków Obcych w Katowicach, Katowice 1998 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)

Paweł Szerszeń: Nauka języka niemieckiego w programie „Lingua Land" (1996-1997)
Klaus Lodewick:DSH-Training. Texte aus Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (nicht nur) zur Vorbereitung auf die DSH, Fabouda Verlag, Goettingen 1997 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)
Weronika Wilczyńska: Uczyć się czy być nauczanym? O autonomii w przyswajaniu języka obcego, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa-Poznań 1999
Janusz Henzel, Edward Szędzielorz, Wymowa i intonacja rosyjska dla uczniów szkół średnich, wydanie drugie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1997 (Lucyna Jackowska)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliography of Publications in the Field of Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language for the Years 1996-2000